December 8, 2005

Resources for Deliverance from Pornography

A Message from Kirk Franklin from everyone. I hope your week is going well and your family is holding on to the commitment that you made to God and each other.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would share with you guys some important news about something coming up that is very dear to me. Tomorrow I will be on the Oprah show sharing my testimony about pornography. I know you probably wonder why I would go on a show like Oprah and share something so personal and private. I believe that if God can take my broken past and use it to help free some people and some marriages, then God will be glorified through my story; a story He allowed to be written.

Even though I didn’t get a chance to share my faith as much as I would have liked to, I’m thankful for the opportunity the show gave me and I pray that He can take my “fish and bread” and multiply it.

When they contacted me and asked if I would come and be honest about my story and past struggle, I sought counsel from my pastor and prayed for direction. I received a peace and believed that it was a door He opened, and that it was a real issue not talked about because of the stigma in the church about sexuality.

So here I am, wanting to help as many as I can. After viewing the show I want to hear from you. Write me back and also share your heart with others.

I want to give you some resources that I believe in that I pray will help someone who feels lost and ashamed. As an additional resource for more on the story than I got to share on Oprah, check out this interview that Tammy and I did with CBN last year.

It’s now five and a half years for me that I have been free of my struggle. I have no desire to go back. If I can say that, believe me it can happen.

By his grace.
Love yall.

1. Grace Walk by Steve McVey.

2. Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey

3. A website packed with resources, accountability tools and help for anyone dealing with any part of the struggle, including men, women, teens and pastors. Also the home of x3watch, a free accountability software tool.

*The above text was excerpted from

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