April 27, 2006

PRAYER SUPPORT (www.praylive.com)


Pray Live is a non-denominational prayer line open to everyone. A 24-hour, 7-day a week prayer line and e-church, the doors never close. This ministry is cross cultural and international, reaching to almost every corner of the world. People are hungry for prayer and find great comfort calling a prayer line where groups of people pray together. Many call to pray for a special need or the needs of someone else. Some call to be in prayer with others to hear others pray.

The devastation of life experiences are sometimes overwhelming; so, the prayer line is a comfort to those hurting.


The Founder
Wenda Royster, the founder of Pray Live, knows the power of prayer. This born again Christian has weathered many difficult storms in her life, which she credits to prayer and God's grace. Wenda knows that without prayer and her faith, she would not have been able to survive the trials in her life. It was prayer that helped her deal with the grief of loosing her father to lung cancer at the early age of forty-five. Her prayer life was the only thing that carried her through the pain of loosing her brother at the age of 33 in 1993 and her only sister at 48 in 1995. In 1996, she had the responsibility of planning the funeral and burial of her brother in-law which resulted in her niece and nephew having lost both parents within a year. In 1998, she was struck in the head and that injury resulted in six hours of brain surgery; six months later her mother's leg was amputated. Wenda will quickly tell you her testimony about prayer and that it was only God's grace and mercy that helped her to see light through clouds of grief and sadness.

So God led her to develop a prayer meeting at her church. Once when the weather was bad and no one was able to travel to the church, she told the group they would have prayer over the phone and that initiated the birth of Pray Live. Now, Pray Live has grown nationally and internationally, with groups praying together from all denominations, faiths, races, and ages.

*The text above was excerpted from the following source: www.praylive.com

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