March 13, 2007

Regarding The Powers Report

*The following text is from a letter submitted to The Baltimore Afro American Newspaper by Pastor Eric W. King, I.*

Regarding Dr. Tyrone Powers' radio talk show "The Powers Report" it has been made known that after a detailed interview was conducted, a last minute a decision was made by the editor of Afro not to publish the interview with Dr. Powers.

The Powers Report Program aired on WEAA has been "suspended" by edict of Governor O'Malley, through notice served by Mr. Kweisi Mfume to Dr. Earl Richardson, president of Morgan State University.

No one is taking responsibility for the broadcasts removal or to have the program reinstated sense no FCC violations have occurred. African American political leaders and even your news paper seems unwilling to publicly support, speak-out, or speak-up to this "suspension" not even to publicly state that they are not a part, nor agree with the message or movement to discontinue The Powers Report.

A no response on behalf of the city council, state Legislative Black Caucus, or the Afro paper seems to suggest either to be cohorts or cowardice-afraid to act without permission from the Governor who says he wants to improve race relations. A sincere act to go along with legislation "apologizing" for Maryland's involvement in slavery would be to free The Powers Report Program!

The Sun Paper, White talk radio hosts, local and national have interviewed Dr. Powers... Does the Afro plan to publish a full length story/interview regarding "The Powers Report" situation?

Dr. Powers analogies were often times "hard hitting" and pointed, but always well researched, cold-hard facts. Even more, Dr. Powers offered in-depth journalistic insight and understanding, as well as provided a course of action to the African American citizens on issues of major community importance. Even though White listeners did not like his bluntness, they respected Dr. Powers intelligent and accurate reporting and information.He has challenged all citizens to get involved in reforming and transforming Baltimore.

"Black Baltimore" has suffered-been taken advantage of long enough by Black and White politicians using it as a political stepping stone, while local power brokers seem to make moves as if they are playing a game of monopoly in which Blacks keep plucking the "skip" or "go to jail" card.

As the Israelites prepared to entered the Promised Land, the leader Joshua brought the nation to a point of decision with a challenge, "Choose this day whom you will serve." Black city and state elected officials, and even the Afro paper, it is now time for you to choose who you will serve... Or does your silence suggest that your decision has already been made?

Eric W. King, I, Pastor
New Life UMC

TAKE ACTION! Click on the link below to sign a petition in support of the Powers Report!

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