Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
Matthew 22:37
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.
Psalm 61:1
The two scriptures popped up for my daily devotions on my two blogs. I smiled to myself as I thought how timely these scriptures were for me right now in my life as I celebrate 37 years of life on this earth. My journey to me has been long and difficult - filled with too many regrets, too much heartache, and too much pain. However, these years have also been filled with many blessings.
I was blessed with the opportunity to gleam from my birth mother, my step mother, my father, my three grandmothers, my two great-aunts, my two grandfathers, my three older sisters who think they are my Momma, my younger sister who thinks she is my Momma, and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, and extended family members who over the years have showered me with tons of love and support. I also have a host of friends and mentors - from Baltimore to Savannah to Atlanta to Miami to San Francisco - who over the years have shared their love, insight, and economic support with me. In some cases, they have become like family providing emotional, financial, and sometimes physical assistance when my blood family was unable to do so.
I have traveled across the United States and visited two continents. I have travelled to West Africa and South Africa. I have visited two Native American reservations. I have attended an United Nations sponsored conference. I have worked for some amazing organizations - all (the amazing ones and not so amazing ones) have helped me grow personally and professionally. I have participated in numerous fellowships and leadership programs which have introduced me to some of the most talented, witty, and creative people on this planet. I have launched and run a nonprofit organization which helped me plant positive seeds in the lives of youth. I have launched and run three for-profit businesses. I have written and published a book. I have had the opportunity to help empower adults by equipping them with literacy and leadership skills. I have had the opportunity to serve under pastors who walk in love and integrity. I have had the opportunity to engage in conversations with people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. I have had the opportunity to know and experience true love.
And although I have many deficits that I feel need "fixing," I am here: sane, healthy, secure, and saved. I didn't start this year with all four of these traits and too be honest I just slid into my birthday clinging on to all four. Yet, I am here and I am so thankful for my life!