October 4, 2008

Miracle at St. Anna - Don't Believe the Critics! This is one of the BEST movies EVER!

I went to the movies today to see the Miracle at St. Anna, and I was blown away by the rich story line and the superb acting. Spike Lee did a phenomenal job telling the story of what it was like for Black men serving in War World II . Don't believe the critics. This is an excellent movie that will have you on the edge of your seat - sometimes laughing, sometimes crying but always thinking about the complex messages that jump out at you from every scene. Spike Lee has really grown as a producer, and this movie is evidence of his creativity and genius.

I hope you take the time in the next week or so to buy a ticket to see this movie. We need more movies like Miracle at St. Anna that tell our story with grace, honor, and dignity. For now, let's support this movie and make it a blockbuster. If you are an educator or a parent, I would encourage you to use the movie as a teachable moment for teens or adults attending ESOL and GED programs. There are some extremely graphic killing scenes and at least one partial sex scene, so you should use good judgment and probably only encourage young people aged 14 or over to see the movie.

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