January 23, 2006

House Bill 48 Maryland's Marriage Protection Act

Maryland's House Judiciary Committee will not let this legislation go before the full House. Pressure must be brought to each member of this committee and without delay.

Please send E-mails to every delegate on this committee requesting support for this amendment. Ask every one in your Address Book do the same. E-Mail addresses for delegates on this committee are provided :

Joseph Vallario,Chairman joe_vallario@house.state.md.us
Rosenberg, Samuel delsandy@aol.com
Anderson,Curtis curtanderson@aol.com
Brown,Anthony anthony_brown@house.state.md.us
Carter,Jill jill_carter@house.state.md.us
Dumais,Kathleen kdumais@paleyrothman.com
Gutierrez,Ana asolgut@erols.com
Hennessy,W.Louis louis_hennessy@house.state.md.us
Kelley,Darryl darryl_kelley@house.state.md.us
Kelly,Kevin kevin_kelly@house.state.md.us
Lee,Susan susan_lee@house.state.md.us
McComas,Susan susan_mccomas@house.state.md.us
McMillan,Herbert herb_mcmillan@house.state.md.us
Menes,Pauline pauline_menes@house.state.md.us
Petzold,Carol carol_petzold@house.state.md.us
Quinter,Neil neil_quinter@house.state.md.us
Shank,Christopher christopher_shank@house.state.md.us
Shewell,Tanya tanya_shewell@house.state.md.us
Simmons,Luis delegatesimmons@aol.com
Smigiel,Michael michael_smigiel@house.state.md.us
Sophocleus,Theodore ted_sophocleus@house.state.md.us
Zirkin,Bobby bobby_zirkin@house.state.md.us

Feel free to use the letter below:
To the Honorable Brian E. Frosh, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Commitee,

I am disappointed by the ruling of the Baltimore City Circuit court stating
that Maryland's standing marriage law is unconstitutional. I have no
prejudice nor animosity to those with same-sex attraction. However, I
respect the sanctity of the institution of marriage and the legislative
process in determining laws. Judges do not make laws. If this ruling
becomes law, it would re-define a social and legal institution for millions
of people.

I urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to support House Bill 48 Maryland's
Marriage Protection Act which would allow for a state marriage amendment to
be put to a vote on the November ballot. The voters must decide on the
definition of marriage, not the courts.


Lynn R. Pinder


Anonymous said...

Update: House Bill 48 was voted down by the Judicial committee on Feb 2nd.

This issue is about civil marriage and the state has no compelling reason to stop same-sex civil marriage. The state does not make marriage sanctified, that is something a church or religon does, if you so choose. Although there are churches and synagogues that support and perform same-sex marriages, so that isn't an issue.

You are entitled to your religious beliefs but you are not entitled to your religious beliefs against same-sex families being the law of the state. The fact is that same-sex families need the equal protection provided by marriage, whether you think they should have them or not.

Lynn Pinder/Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) said...

Thank you so much for your input, and you are right. It is not a matter of what I think or believe. What really matters is what is mandated in the Word of God (Holy Bible), which is the foundational composs that Christians use to guide their everyday lives.